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About us

Memories are precious. Specially of special occasions like weddings, communions and confirmations. We have these occasions once in a lifetime, but the memories are cherished forever. We at Fairy Godmother / kid’s Fashion would like to make these memories most memorable.

I’m Tanya Fernandes,  the Managing Director of Fairy Godmother/ Kid’s Fashion. I got the inspiration from my daughters Kaitlyn and Kezia. They love to dress up in pretty dresses. The excitement and happiness of wearing a princess dress was so evident on their faces. This is how I thought of opening a boutique with stunningly beautiful princess dresses for all the little princesses.

Our Why?

It’s a blessing to see the little princesses blush with happiness in a beautiful princess dress for their special occasions. We at Fairy Godmother / Kid’s Fashion strive to make the little princess’s special day the most memorable, so that she can cherish these memories forever. And every parent, clearly wants the best for their little princesses.
Looking forward to meeting many more beautiful princesses.